Monday, June 7, 2010

Sable Island Seals Under Fire

We have been working with the Atlantic Canadian Anti-Sealing Coalition for some time now. The fight now is to save the seals on Sable Island, Canada's newest National Park.

The excerpt below is from the Coalition's website:

Just days after the government announced Sable Island is to be designated a national park, the government's macabre plans for the island have been revealed. The Coast newspaper obtained through an Access to Information request a document entitled 'Logistical Evaluation of Options to Manage the Grey Seal
Population on Sable Island
.' Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans commissioned engineering firm CBCL to research and prepare a report setting out different scenarios for reducing the grey seal population on Sable Island. One of the options involves injecting 16,000 adult females with a form of contraceptive for five years. The other option involves a nightmare scenario of slaughtering 220,000 adults and pups period over a period of five years during their whelping (birthing, nursing and mating), slinging their carcasses using modified heavy loaders, and disposing of their bodies using modified wood chippers and portable incinerators set up on the island. One option details killing 100,000 adults and pups in 25 days in the first year, with 30,000 being slaughtered each year for the next four years. The report advises that any nursing whitecoats orphaned when their mothers are culled are to be killed immediately or they will starve to death. There will be MANY pups orphaned when their mothers are culled so it is inevitable that MANY whitecoats will be slaughtered during these so-called 'culls.'

For more information and to find out how you can help, please visit

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