Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Farm animals suffer from extreme heat

Are farm animals less worthy than pets?

Toronto, July 29, 2015:  While humane societies remind people not to leave pets in cars because of the extreme heat, federal and provincial Agriculture Ministers allow hundreds of metal trucks without air conditioning to transport farm animals during extreme heat. 

Videos from three different years show unimaginable suffering of pigs being transported during heat waves in 2011, 2013 and 2015

Toronto Pig Save acquired documents showing that 83 pigs arrived dead at Quality Packers during the July 2013 heat wave.

The Transport Code of Practice recommends that animals be moved at night and in the early morning during periods of extreme heat.  Yet these animals continue to be trucked during peak heat and humidity hours. 

Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals, Animal Alliance/ Environment Voters, Born Free and  Toronto Pig Save call on federal and provincial Ministers of Agriculture to prohibit animal transport during extreme heat and to prosecute those who violate the prohibition.

For more information:

Monday, July 13, 2015

A Vision for the Future

Election Day fast approaching

In preparation for the next federal election, we're seeking candidates and preparing materials.

A Vision for the Future explains where we stand on animals, the environment and other issues, including democratic reform, health care and education.
A more detailed platform on animal and environmental issues is being prepared.

If you think you may like to run as a candidate, call or write to us today:
