Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Wishes for Wolves

From Sadie Parr, Canadian Wolf Coalition

Seasons' Greetings to ALL and peace to our landscape!

The holiday season is often a time when families get together to enjoy a good meal and kinship. This is what wolves want too. 
British Columbia's wolf management regulations may be near a tipping point.  Thanks to the combined efforts of conservation groups and animal rights organizations and YOU  approximately 2,500 comments were submitted in just over 2 weeks regarding the recently proposed wolf kill plan for BC. 
The push for change has NOT ENDED. Many comments have been disregarded as unacceptable so we must continue to demand change. Your voice is needed now more than ever.  Please give the free gift of peace to just beings such as wolves by using your voice to speak against current wolf hunting contests and regulations....  The minister responsible for management decisions is Honourable Steve Thompson; FLNR.minister@gov.bc.ca.  Will he be spending HIS Christmas with his family?  Many wolves surely hope to. 
Please visit the links below to learn about the responses received and the legal direction Pacific Wild (www.pacificwild.org) is taking to force barbaric hunting contests to end.  Public support is required to ensure changes are made NOW!
Attached please find a summary I just put together after reviewing the newest BC Hunting Regulation Synopsis Guide.  You will learn about the current genocide and whom to contact to demand changes.  There is a new website accepting public comments and the Minister of FLNR Steve Thompson should also be contacted; FLNR.minister@gov.bc.ca.  The Minister's message at the beginning of the guide explains his position:
"Encouraging more people to take up hunting will generate even more jobs.  The province is committed to achieving its goal of 100,000 annual license sales by 2014/15. This goal is in reach, with 96,292 licenses sold in 2011.
 Pg. 15 of the guide readssome upcoming changes to the hunting licencing program will make it easier and more affordable to start hunting in BC.”
Meanwhile, public polls across the province continue to show that the majority of the public are not in support of trophy hunting.  Learn more by visiting these stories and please share this information and encourage YOUR family to take a stand for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Vancouver Sun:

Legal opinion says provincial gambling officials erred in okaying wolf-kill contest - over 2500 people respond to Wolf Management Plan

www.vancouversun.com/Legal+opinion+says+provincial+gambling+officials+erred+OKing+wolf+kill+contest/7709564/story.html <http://www.vancouversun.com/Legal+opinion+says+provincial+gambling+officials+erred+OKing+wolf+kill+contest/7709564/story.html>

BC wolf kill contest is illegal, conservationist charges
CTV News:
Pacific Wild claims the provincial government is breaking the law by allowing a wolf-kill contest in which prizes are offered ...

Also attached is a very relevant draft management plan for humans from the Raincoast Conservation Foundation www.raincoast.org
Finally, visit www.vws.org to learn about what Valhalla Wilderness Sociey is doing to secure habitat for caribou, wolves, and many other species that rely on large tracts of intact land through their Caribou Park Proposal.
Decision makers to include when submitting your comments : (please cc sadieparrwolfpact@gmail.com)
Premier Christy Clark
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Phone: 250-387-1715
Fax: 250 387-0087

Hon. Steve Thomson
Min. of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources
Room 248
Parliament Bldgs
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
NDP Environment Critic:
Rob Fleming, MLA
Room 201/Parliament Bldgs / Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Fax: 250-387-4680
Most sincerely, Sadie Parr

"Is the world still wild enough for wolves?  A creature is not a wild creature unless it is being polished by unfenced landscapes, abundant prey, and the freedom to pursue it.  We have added roads and radio collars and exotic animals to the forces of evolution.  Have we so carved the world into geometric shapes of  possession, liability, privacy and commercial haste that it cannot abide wolves?"

-Peter Steinhart from his book The Company of Wolves.
Sadie Parr
21-514 Anderson Rd
Golden, BC  V0A 1H1