The Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada is your federal political party. AAEVPC makes it possible for you to hold federal politicians accountable for their environmental and animal policies during elections, when it matters most. Our political party - the only party singularly focused on animal and environmental protection - would not exist without your vision, passion, and generosity.
Right now we’re finalizing our campaign messages for the coming election, and we'd appreciate your views and counsel. Tell us, please, what would you like us to say to the Conservative, Liberal, and NDP leaders and candidates on your behalf? What questions can we raise for you at all candidates’ meetings? What answers can we demand from the candidates running where you vote?
Please e-mail us your thoughts - today if at all possible. Tell us your hopes and dreams for a more compassionate, healthy world. Tell us what issues you’d like to see us campaign on.
Click here for a list of our achievements (all thanks to your support) over the last year.
Remember, our party, your party, is the only federal political party that gives the animals and the environment a political voice - the powerful, national voice needed to secure protection for all animals and the environment.
On behalf of all of us here at AAEVPC, thank you!