Tuesday, May 5, 2009

EU bans seal product imports!

We did it! On behalf of the seals, thank you so much for speaking out for them in the global effort to end the Canadian commercial seal hunt.

With the European Union banning the importation of seal products (with an exemption for the Inuit), this signals the beginning of the end for Canada’s commercial seal hunt. This is a major victory for the seals and the animal protection movement, but our work isn’t over yet. As many of you know, Liberal Senator Mac Harb made history by introducing a private members bill on March 3rd calling for an end to the Canadian commercial seal hunt. Senator Harb has asked for help to flood Canada's Senate with messages of support. We need another senator to second his bill so that the issue may be discussed in the House. Please, call and write the Senators, and urge them to do everything in their power to end the Canadian commercial seal hunt. Letters to the Senate may be mailed postage-free.

We continue to work hard on the Canadian Seafood Boycott, an additional important campaign to force our government to end the slaughter. The Humane Society of the United States, the Animal Protection Institute, and the World Society for the Protection of Animals are just some of the American organizations who have already joined the boycott. Now groups in Europe are also participating. Both American and European animal protection groups are important because the greatest economic impact of the boycott will be delivered in these two jurisdictions.

Thank you again for helping the seals!

Liz White, Director