Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In a Nutshell...

We had an officer's meeting last night and here are a few points that were discussed:

1) Liz reported on trapping. For those who don't know, we became involved in Guelph in 2005 on a trapping issue when a dog was killed in a trap. After several consultations, a by-law in Guelph is going before the committee on December 3rd and before council on the 22nd. Hopefully there will be little to no opposition, so we’ll be able to use this as a model for other municipalities.

2) Karen reported that Gail Shea, the new Fisheries Minister, is not going to change anything about the seal hunt. The European Union has a partial ban but are trying to get a full ban. The Canadian Seafood Boycott campaign continues.

3) We are considering a party name change. Any and all suggestions are still welcome.

4) And we're pretty much done with all our audits.

There seems to be great interest in the Party, a major step in the right direction for non-human animals. Politicians in the U.S. are vocal about animal issues, so it is our job to force these same issues onto the Canadian political radar. The voiceless are depending on us, and we must not let them down.

Btw, that's Coco, the newest addition to our foster family here at the office. I thought I would end on a positive note = )

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Latest...

So we're beginning to get back into the swing of things after all the election excitement.

We had an officers' meeting last week and talks covered several key campaigns: 1) The Canadian Seafood Boycott is still doing well in the States. There are more grocers signing on and over 100 restaurants in D.C. alone; 2) The trapping by-law is moving ahead in Guelph and looks quite good; 3) The horse slaughter issue is hitting snags in the government regulatory bodies so we're strategizing about how to have the laws enforced; and 4) We're changing our party name (any suggestions are welcome).

And while all that is going on, we're preparing for five, yes FIVE, audits (one for each candidate and an extra for the Guelph by-election). And after those are done we get to look foward to yet another audit for the party in the new year. I think it's because we're only a few years old that this seems like a big ordeal; hopefully it'll become easier as we become more accustomed to these kinds of obligations. But if you're not careful, the mounds of paperwork can bury you!

It's well worth all the headache, though, if it means the animals and the environment benefit. We're making strides, small ones admittedly, but strides nonetheless. That's how change begins, and we're honoured to be part of the peaceful revolution.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Results are in!

In spite of such a low voter turnout, the AAEV Party of Canada made great strides!

Karen Levenson (Guelph) received 73 votes, beating the Marxist-Leninists, the Communists and an Independent.

Simon Luisi (Davenport) received 92 votes, a great result for his first run as a candidate!

Marie Crawford (Toronto-Danforth) received 177 votes, closing in on Liz's result of 187 votes.

Thanks to your continued help, all of our candidates were able to raise animal and environmental protection issues at candidates’ debates in their respective ridings. Throughout everyone’s canvassing, and in response to our radio ads and other media, we heard over and over again that voters were thankful for being able to vote their conscience. No other political party would have talked about the importance of animal protection had it not been for our candidates. Thanks to your support and their voices, the animals were heard.

And even thought the election is over, we hope that you all will still contact your MPs and ask them what they are doing to protect the environment, to end animal cruelty, to battle climate change, and to stop the killing of young seals. Please speak out as we all continue to make animal cruelty a thing of the past.

And stay tuned as we get back into the swing of things!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Upcoming events

So everyone's campaigns are up and running! Supporters are calling from all over, asking if we have candidates in their ridings. I wish I could tell them that we have more than four since it's becoming more clear that voters are eager to make changes. Perhaps next time some of you might consider being a candidate -- don't be shy! The animals need as many voices as possible speaking out on their behalf.

Simon will be at 1900 Davenport tonight -- the debate starts at 7 pm.

This Saturday in the National Post's "Toronto" section, there will be a story on Liz and the party. Liz has done several interviews, with mainstream, alternative and student media about animal cruelty and made sure the importance of legislative change and participating in politics was raised.

Politicians keep saying animals must be protected from cruelty, but so far, it's a whole lot of talk and no action. We must take action! Please, attend candidates' meetings and press the importance of honouring a principle of just and equitable human progress -- progress that respects, protects, and enhances the environment and the lives of the animals with whom we share the world. Please speak up for those with no voice.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Vote for Compassion!

Yes, we are, in fact, North America's only animal protection political party. And this time around we have four candidates running!

Before the general election was called, our colleague in Guelph, Karen Levenson, was running in the local by-election. At the debates she pressured the other candidates to take a position on the seal hunt, a controversial subject no one would have touched had it not been for Karen's presence and persistence. Even though it was cut short, Karen's first time as a candidate was a success in our books. She gave the animals a voice -- job well done, Karen!

Now we have Liz running in Toronto Centre and Karen in Guelph again, Marie Crawford in Toronto-Danforth, and Simon Luisi in Davenport. Simon, a long-time supporter and activist, is the first male candidate to represent the animals in Canada. This is an exciting time, and for those in the ridings in which we are running, we hope we can count on your vote and your voice for the animals.We must force politicians to address and improve the lives of animals. From our antiquated anti-cruelty laws to farm animal transport times to the largest marine mammal slaughter in the world, we must make these issues a focus during the election campaigning. So speak up! Politicians will not draft better animal protection laws voluntarily -- it is OUR job to make sure they do. We must frame the debate with OUR values -- respect, non-violence and compassion. Speak up! Ask the candidates in your riding what they are doing to make this world a better place for future generations. At this rate, they will be left with dead oceans, unbreathable air and barren land. Speak up! And help the compassionate revolution happen.